
Hi Yah!

Hanks new favorite sport... Karate!
Hank started Taekwondo 2 weeks ago and he is loving every second of it. He is learning so much and picks up every new move right away. He loves to break boards, kick/hit the bags and for once in his life, he is LISTENING and doing what he is told!! ha. What mother could ask for more? =)

As for our wild child, he is growing like a weed and changing everyday. He thinks he's as big as his brother and wants to do everything he does. That's probably why/how he learned how to climb ALL the way up the slide on the swing set. Yes, he is a monkey. He climbs and stands on everything and has absolutely no fear. He is our very own Evil Kenivel and instead of riding on his 4-wheeler, he climbs and stands on it. Thank goodness it only moves if you pedal with your feet otherwise he might be doing tricks on it already.

Oh and did I mention Jace likes dirt?!?

He likes to eat the dirt... A LOT!


Aimee' said...

haha i love the dirt pictures!!