
Lil' Bits of Life

Ok guys...

The biggest change going on in my own life right now is this:


It's just the beginning and I have much work that needs to be done, but I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. I'm so excited to share my new blog with you all and hope you all will join me in this new venture I'm starting and pass the name on to everyone you know.

Thank you for all your support for those that knew about this and I pray this new blog will be everything I've been dreaming it will be....

So please, check it out and let me know what you think!


Erin said...

i'm so happy for you and very eager to try this!

Amanda said...

Hooray for you, Marissa!! I am so glad that you found something that you want and love to do...looks like we are on the same road right now!!! Excited to share the journey with you!